It took some hard work and rehearsing, but it paid off doing some James Bond themed shows with my wonderful Handsome Men! #fromRussiawithLove #YouonlyLiveTwice #AllTimeHigh #DiamondsAreForever
James Bond Themed shows with Handsome Men
New unreleased track of the Memphis Soul Sessions coming soon!
Sue, , Marketing, Media, Music, memphis, memphis soul sessions, song, sue moreno, Tennessee, USA, 0
From the lost vaults: New unreleased track of the Memphis Soul Sessions coming soon! Exciting news as we currently...
Announcement – Elvis tribute
casper decker, , Media, Music, Shows, elvis, tribute, 0
Preparations are being made to record an Elvis tribute soon!
Writing sessions with guitarist Ray Nijenhuis
casper decker, , Marketing, Media, Music, nijenhuis, ray, sessions, 0
Working on new material , getting inspired at writing sessions with amazing guitarist Ray Nijenhuis
Taking Care of Business!
casper decker, , Marketing, Media, Shows, 2015, preparation, shows, 0
Many preparations for upcoming shows for 2015 in the Netherlands and abroad. Taking Care of Business!
Blues at Moonlight – Sue Moreno
casper decker, , Marketing, Media, Shows, benalmadena, blues, festival, malaga, moonlight, spain, 0
November 2015…found me singing at ‘Blues at Moonlight’, a great festival that took place in the beautiful south of...
Memphis Magnetic Recording Studio
casper decker, , Media, Music, 0
Fabulous being back in Memphis at impressed at my first visit at the amazing Memphis Magnetic Recording Studio! So hip,...
‘Let’s Go Paris’!
Sue, , Marketing, Media, Music, Shows, dinnershow, ladoucefrance, Paolo arturo, show, wittenburg, 0
‘Let’s Go Paris’! At the entrance of castle #kasteelWittenburg introduced to a wonderful show by talented miss Julie Huard...
Savoy Club in Gijon
casper decker, , Marketing, Media, Print, Shows, Asturias, Bye Bye Blues, Gijon, Savoy Club, spain, 0
Had a great tour in my beloved Spain. Thank you everyone involved, the wonderful musicians, clubowners, everyone involved in...